Mythical Awakening
Discover the myths that guide your life & rewrite the story
Myths are not just stories from the past.
Through their symbolic language, they help us decode our place in the universe, providing us with keys to understanding our inner world and our interactions with our environment.
Myths are based on archetypes, these symbolic sets of behaviors, attitudes and personalities that influence us by adhesion or opposition (hero/heroine, lover, innocent, magician, …).
In their stories, myths mix these archetypes with narrative threads with universal themes. Thus, heroines and heroes, such as Orpheus, Persephone or Narcissus give us clues to face the challenges and obstacles that we encounter in our daily lives. They show us how to find the strength and wisdom to face difficulties.
During a Mythic Awakening session, we set out to discover the myths that mark your life.
Some are central myths in your life, guiding your being since childhood. Others are fleeting, specific to certain key passages in your life.
Based on your natal chart, I go in search of clues on the great archetypes present in your life theme. This directs me to the myth(s) that can guide you.
Together, we reclaim these fables.
- We meet the different characters in the story. We investigate their motivations, their constraints in order to highlight possible resonances with personal attitudes or people around you.
We dissect the allegory to extract the values that are dear to you, the precepts that support your life.
We also breathe lightness back into the story, so as not to feel trapped in it. On the contrary, like a hero or heroine, you’ll be able to choose the path, the conclusion, the morale that you prefer.
Thus, a “Mythic Awakening” session is very interactive and creative.
Through dialogue, I invite you to explore your inner theater, to change the course of the story.
Thanks to the myth, you become again the hero/heroine of your own legend.
“If we understand the conditioning and deep values that inhabit us thanks to our astrological theme for example, we have the freedom to deal with them in order to fulfill our inner being.”
Luc Bigé, founder of theUniversité du Symbole
Practical conditions
Information Needed to Create your Chart
To create an accurate portrait of you, at the moment of your booking, you will be asked your exact birth details :
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Time of Birth (exact)
- Place of Birth
Knowing your exact time of birth is particularly important as a few minutes can change your energetic profile considerably.
If you don’t know your exact birth time, I invite you to contact a traditional astrologer to do a birth time rectification. 🙂
Once I have received your exact birth details, I’ll create your chart and will analyze it in preparation for your session. This usually requests a few hours of my time.
Our session will last 1h.
As it is a lot of information to process, make sure you come rested and open.
Understanding & accepting your body & soul pace will be our main priority during this session so I’ll invite you to let me know if you feel like your energy is going down.
It will mean that your body has stored enough information and now needs time to process it. 🙂
Accepting your individual rhythm is the best way to restore the dialogue with your body & your soul. 😉
Thank you in advance for respecting your uniqueness.
To make the most of our session together, make sure you come fully rested and that you are in a comfortable & quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed.
Technical details
We will meet via the video conference platform Whereby.
Once your booking confirmed, you will receive a link to join me in an online meeting room at the time of our session.
You won’t have to download anything, you’ll just need to click on the link and it will open in your Internet browser.
I also advise you to use a computer or a large tablet as I might be sharing my screen with you to show you your chart and it won’t look great on mobile.
Please make sure to test your webcam & mic in advance as I won’t be able to help you with this and it would reduce our time together.
Video Recording & Natal Chart
After our session, you will receive a link to download your recording as well as a copy of your birth chart, as presented during the session.
Please allow at least 7 days to receive your link & chart. 😉
Open & Conscious Price
The “Mythical Awakening” sessions are offered at an open and conscious price*.
For each of my consultations, you have the possibility to choose between 3 rates: reduced, standard or patron.
After booking your session online, you will receive an email with my bank details to make your transfer. 🙂
en une fois
This reduced rate aims to make my work accessible to people who are in a difficult financial situation, with a limited budget. No proof will be requested if you choose this rate. I assume that you know better than me what is acceptable for you in terms of financial constraints.
en une ou deux fois
By choosing this price, you ensure the financial & moral viability of my services. This rate covers all fixed costs and personal investment related to your session: presentation, exchange and preparation time, but also fixed operating costs (self-employment charges, software, website, etc.).
en une ou deux fois
For those who wish to go beyond their own experience and contribute to making my activity visible to a wider audience. By opting for this rate, you support the sustainability of my activity but also my personal & professional development. Above all, you allow me to offer more sessions at a reduced rate to those who need them most. This symbolic gesture shows your commitment to creating a fairer, more egalitarian world, starting with the people present within my community.
Bonjour, I'm Audrey!
Your inner journey is individual and unique but that doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone.
I’m here to support you.
Book your session “Mythical Awakening” (astro-mythology)
“A break, a step aside, a journey to the stars… I came out of this session feeling peaceful and full of energy. I discovered the power of founding myths and reading the birth chart to help advance self-understanding.
Audrey accompanies us on this path with gentleness and humor, lightness and depth.
Thank you very much for this precious moment!”
Esther R.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the reduced price?
This reduced rate aims to make my work accessible to people who are in a difficult financial situation, with a limited budget.
This rate covers:
- the time spent together during our session (1h-1h30).
It doesn’t cover :
- the hours of preparation of your portrait (2 to 3 hours),
- the moments of exchange before or after our session,
- my social charges (23% of the gross amount)
- my administrative and commercial tasks to bring my work to life and make it visible
- my personal investment to offer you a quality session (training and certifications in astrology, human design, collective intelligence, symbolic language, mythology, etc.)
- the hardware and software investment (website, CRM, video, appointment calendar, etc.).
No justification will be asked if you choose this rate. I assume that you know better than me what is acceptable for you in terms of financial constraints.
Furthermore, this can also be the rate chosen if the session did not suit you. If this is your case, I would be grateful if you could send me feedback by email so that I understand how to improve my services.
What is the standard price ?
By choosing this price, you ensure the viability of my services. This rate covers my fixed costs and my investment: preparation time, training hours, expertise that I bring to each session but also my fixed operating costs (software, charges, etc.). It pays for:
- the time spent together during our session (1h-1h30).
- the time to prepare your portrait (2 to 3h),
- the exchange times before or after our session,
- my social charges (23% of the gross amount),
- my administrative and commercial tasks to bring my work to life and make it visible,
- my human investment to offer you a quality session (training and certifications in astrology, human design, collective intelligence, symbolic language, mythology, etc.),
- the hardware and software investment (website, CRM, video, appointment calendar, etc.).
What is the patron price ?
The Patron price is intended for those who wish to go beyond their own experience and contribute to making my activity visible to a wider audience. By opting for this rate, you support the sustainability of my activity but also my personal & professional development. Above all, you allow me to offer more sessions at a reduced rate to those who need them most. This symbolic gesture shows your commitment to creating a fairer, more egalitarian world, starting with the people present within my community.
This price covers:
- the time spent together during our session (1h-1h30),
- the hours of preparation of your portrait (2 to 3h),
- the moments of exchange before or after our session,
- the social charges (23% of the gross amount),
- my personal investment to offer you a quality session (training in astrology, human design, support, symbolism, mythology, tarot,
- the cost of the softwares (CRM, video, appointment calendar), social charges, etc …),
- the renewal of my computer equipment (my wifi card and my graphics card tend to go on strike lately ;D),
- my personal well-being (feeling of recognition and work well done, financial security, …),
- my continuing professional development (additional training and certifications, events, …),
- the complement for a session paid at a reduced rate by another person who cannot pay the standard rate