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Solar Return

Find out what initiation(s) your solar year has in store for you

Each year, around your birthday, the Sun returns to the exact position it occupied when you were born: it’s your Solar Return.

This moment opens a new astrological solar year for you, with new experiences for your soul to integrate.


During a Solar Return session, we explore the potential initiation(s) you’ll experience during your solar year.

For this, I compare your natal chart and your Solar Return chart using the resources offered by the astrology of the depths (astro-psychology), as inspired by Jung.


“Astrology, like the collective unconscious with which psychology is concerned, consists of symbolic configurations: the planets are the gods, symbols of the power of the unconscious.”

-Carl G. Jung-


The natal chart can be perceived as an astrological photo of your birth (for more info, discover my “Inner Sky” session).

The next step is analyzing one’s Solar Return chart to find the key to a new inner territory, which your soul will explore during the course of the solar year.


A Solar Return chart does not predict your future (the astrology that I use is not predictive, it is psychological).

It is about developing one’s knowledge and understanding of a very specific part of your soul.


A depth astrology session is a moment of exchange between the astro-therapist and the consultant.

The objective of the astro-therapist is to decipher the psychological language of each star present in your natal chart and solar revolution and to understand how these archetypal characters who make up your inner Self can accompany you in the different areas of your life.


Of course, a Solar Return does not tell us how you will respond to the initiation(s).

This new solar year belongs entirely to you, whatever is written in your Solar Return chart.

Thus, 2 people with the same Birth Chart and the same Solar Return chart for a given year can end up living 2 completely different years.

The Solar Return chart simply points out to inner energies that are in the process of integration during the year, in one (or more) specific area(s) of your life. 🙂

It thus allows you to embrace these initiations consciously, and to accompany their integration with acceptance, kindness & ease.


When to book your Solar Return session?

I recommend that you schedule your Solar Revolution session no more than 1-2 weeks before your birthday (+ when you’re sure of your location for this birthday).

There is no point in planning it too early because you will probably not feel this new solar energy yet.

On the other hand, you can schedule your session during the year following your birthday to better understand the initiatory experience in progress. 🙂


Information Needed to Create your Chart

To create an accurate portrait of you, at the moment of your booking, you will be asked your exact birth details :

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Time of Birth (exact)
  • Place of Birth
  • Location where you will spend your birthday of the year (be careful, this must be precise because your chart could be completely transformed if this was not the case)*

Knowing your exact time of birth is particularly important as a few minutes can change your energetic profile considerably.

If you don’t know your exact birth time, I invite you to contact a traditional astrologer to do a birth time rectification. ????

Once I have received your exact birth details, I’ll create your solar return chart and will analyze it in preparation for your session. This usually requests a few hours of my time.


Our session will last 1h.

As it is a lot of information to process, make sure you come rested and open.

Understanding & accepting your body & soul pace will be our main priority during this session so I’ll invite you to let me know if you feel like your energy is going down.

It will mean that your body has stored enough information and now needs time to process it. ????

Accepting your individual rhythm is the best way to restore the dialogue with your body & your soul. ????

Thank you in advance for respecting your uniqueness.



To make the most of our session together, make sure you come fully rested and that you are in a comfortable & quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed.


Technical details

We will meet via the video conference platform Whereby.

Once your booking confirmed, you will receive a link to join me in an online meeting room at the time of our session.

You won’t have to download anything, you’ll just need to click on the link and it will open in your Internet browser.

I also advise you to use a computer or a large tablet as I might be sharing my screen with you to show you your chart and it won’t look great on mobile.

Please make sure to test your webcam & mic in advance as I won’t be able to help you with this and it would reduce our time together.


Video Recording & Energetic Chart

After our session, you will receive a link to download your recording as well as a copy of your solar return chart.

Please allow at least 7 days to receive your link & chart. ????


Your “Solar Return” session will cost 100€.

When booking your session, you’ll receive by email my bank details to pay by transfer.


* For your birthday location to be relevant in establishing your solar return chart, I recommend that you spend at least 5 days in this particular location around your birthday . If you are just taking a quick trip to a new place on your birthday, for a few hours or for a weekend, it is best to indicate your usual place of residence because this will further permeate your coming year. If you are unsure about what to send me for your location, contact me. 😉

Book your Solar Return session (for your current birthday year or the one to come)

1678 1710