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How my spiritual journey began…

How my spiritual journey began | Soul-Driven Life

The beginning of my spiritual journey was not all glitters and sparkles AT ALL.


Actually, it all started with the death of my grandmother.


She was very precious to me.

When she died, I started to feel her presence but I thought it was normal as when you lose someone, you usually feel them around you for a bit.

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What is a Soul?

Life Purpose Meditation | Soul-Driven Life

The best place to start your Soul journey is to first define what a Soul is, right?


The word “Soul” is everywhere now.

The more people are awakening, the more we hear the word “Soul” around us.


We all want to discover our Soul purpose, to listen to our Soul guidance!


We want a Soulful business, a Soul-driven life.


In order to do so, it’s necessary to start with a definition of what a Soul is.

Here is my… attempt to define it, haha.

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