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The beginning of my spiritual journey was not all glitters and sparkles AT ALL.


Actually, it all started with the death of my grandmother.


She was very precious to me.

When she died, I started to feel her presence but I thought it was normal as when you lose someone, you usually feel them around you for a bit.

But it lasted…

I could still feel her all the time.

I still visualized her at the end of my bed.

I could still hear her voice in my head.


Then, a super creepy thing happened and my world got completely turned upside-down!

Watch the whole story below!



No matter how your spiritual journey began, just know that it will unfold over time and that it won’t be that tough all the time.


Often, we need an electroshock at some point on our journey…

To shake things up…

To change our perspective…

To make us want to explore ourselves even deeper…

To force us to implement some necessary changes in our life…


But it doesn’t always happen this way.

It can also start with a revelation and grow slowly from there, giving you enough time to digest each event.

It can start with a bang, then you might be scared and deny it even happened, forget about spirituality for decades and come back when you feel more ready.

There is no right or wrong here.


Your journey is UNIQUE to you.

Your journey is crafted by YOU and for YOU.

YOU decide of the pace.

You can move slowly or quickly, make a U-turn, pretend it’s not real, then come back to it.

It’s all good!


Don’t compare your journey to others’.

Don’t feel guilty for what you have experienced.

Just focus on the lessons you’ve learnt along the way.



No matter the shape it takes…

No matter the pace it has…

No matter the misunderstandings and confusions it contains!


Embrace your uniqueness!


Now, tell me more!

How did your spiritual journey begin?

Was it smooth and progressive or was it overwhelming like mine?

Share your experience in the comments below!

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