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Picture this…

It’s September 2015.

The music festival I have been working on for 6 months starts in a couple of days.
I have a trillion things to finish.
I’m running everywhere to deal with the final touches.
I sleep 4 hours a day.

My partner now lives in New Zealand.
I’m moving from France to join him IN 3 WEEKS.

I have to:

????  Find someone to look after our baby cat.

????  Move out of my apartment.

????  Sell the car as well as most of my things.

????  Pack my whole life in two suitcases.

????  Say goodbye to my family & friends.

????  Keep my relationship strong with a partner that now lives on the other side of the world. With a 12-hour difference…

????  Invest all my savings into this new life

????  Deal with my conflicted emotions.

????  Live with the intense fear of leaving everything I have to start a new life 18.000 kms away, in a country I have never been to.

My job is incredibly stressful.
I have 0 time for myself.


I feel like I’m about to explode in a million pieces…

How did I get through this?




By shifting my focus on the present moment, not only was I able to DRAMATICALLY reduce my stress but also:

✔  Be incredibly efficient at my job

✔  Finish all I had to do in time for my move

✔  Manifest all the resources I needed to achieve my goals

✔  Gain clarity on my emotions

✔  Restore my inner balance & faith in my path

✔  Deal with the sadness of leaving the people I love

✔  Release my fears

✔  Keep a smile on my face


Fastforward to today…

Mindfulness has become my way of life.
I have been through tough times but I am happy. 


☀  I’m living in a country I love.

☀  I get to live in beautiful houses.

☀  I have my own business as a Soul Revealer & Marketing Strategist.

☀  I teach my clients how to reconnect with their Soul, and embrace a mindful living.

☀  I feel centered, calm, aligned with my life path.

☀  I am surrounded with amazing, inspiring people with a huge heart.

☀  I love myself & I love this life!


Happiness doesn’t have to be complicated.

You just have to be ready to change your perspective, shift your focus.

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