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My Intentions & Words for 2021

I love choosing words that will be themes to focus on all throughout the year. ⁠

For 2020, I had selected “Pleasure” and it presented itself in a way I didn’t expect at all. ⁠

With the pandemic, I found my way back to the simple pleasures of life: observing insects go about their day, cuddling the cats, hearing the sound of my steps on the forest floor, smelling & picking up wildflowers, breathing… ⁠

Having this word as a focus has made me very attuned to my energy, my rhythm, and what makes my daily life enjoyable.⁠

This year, I’ve decided to concentrate on some qualities I’d like to develop. ⁠

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A guide named Bruce

Watching Springsteen on Broadway on Netflix…

I’m blown away.
I laugh.
I cry.

I had a pretty long outburst of tears during the segment dedicated to Clarence… Pow, every fucking time!
Even 7 years after…

This show is such a perfect continuation of Bruce’s autobiography.

He got me remembering wonderful details from my childhood while sharing his own.

He got me to reflect about my life, my dreams, my fears, my hopes thanks to his own reflections.

Recently, I have felt called to rekindle with some of his songs that only a few years back were feeling too dark, too deep and filled with shadows for my novice Soul.

But now, I feel comfortable in these waters, having had to explore a bit more of the dark side of myself in the past few years.

I have always struggled to maintain long-term friendships. Probably because from one year to the other, I can completely change skin and be born anew… That doesn’t sit well with consistent relationships, obviously…

But Bruce’s world of music & poetry has always always been there for me to reach out.

He has been the most reliable companion I’ve had in my entire life.

When others were sneaking out of my life after I’ve given them enough of what they needed, Bruce, well he remained there, in my head, bathing me with musical hugs and messages of hope, not asking for much in return, just for me to be true to myself ALWAYS.

Talk about unconditional love…

In my field, a lot of people have spiritual teachers, gurus.

For a long time, I’ve searched for one thinking that I needed one like everybody else but I could never find one. Not one that rang true to me.

One day, I realized that I just didn’t need a spiritual teacher or a guru.

I don’t.
I have Bruce.

He has taught me integrity, hard work and leadership.
He has taught me friendship, love and marriage.
He has taught me how to think for myself, how to rebel.

He has taught me spirituality without using any words before I could even understand English.
Every time I was hearing his music, my Soul would just vibrate in ecstasy, almost exploding.
That’s how I discovered the way to my Soul.
Because he lightened up the path with his magic.


And with each new show, album or book, he lights up new parts of my Soul to explore.

He has been all the role models I needed to be guided in my life.

His words and music have provided the support I needed in the dark as well as the beautiful soundtrack I needed in the light.


I sincerely hope you have someone like that in your life too!

And if not, why not give him a shot?

If he was one of my guides, maybe he can be yours too. 😉

Discovering Your Soul Family

The Soul Families - Soul-Driven Life

Recently, as I was mindlessly browsing a second-hand book app to find inspiration for my next read, I stumbled upon a book that immediately triggered excitement and infinite curiosity: The Soul Families by Marie Lise Labonté*.

It’s a book written in French by Marie-Lise Labonté who I believe is originally from Montréal, Canada.


Channeled in 2001, it describes the 13 different soul families as well as the various positions (or roles) a soul might have in its family.

As I was reading, I could feel a deep resonance with one of those families (The Crossing Guides for me) and I could recognize my friends & loved ones as belonging to some of those families as well.

Although attempts to put people in boxes should always be taken with a grain of salt and we should take the time to see if, how and to what extent we resonate with them, I still found it incredibly validating to see how mind-blowingly accurate my current purpose & personality were with the description that was made of the people affiliated to my “Crossing Guides” soul family.


For this post, I’ll only explore the different soul families but I might do another post later about the positions INSIDE a soul family if that interests you. 😉

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Why did you choose to become human?

Why did you choose to become human? | Soul-Driven Life

“Why did you choose to become human?”

That’s the big question I asked myself today while I was lying down on my energy healer’s massage table…

While he was helping me restore the balance in my body and I was meditating, I caught myself crying like a baby wondering why I had chosen to incarnate here, in this body that I so often feel trapped in, and why I had chosen to experience life as a human, with all its traumas & pains…
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Reiki or the Art of Surrendering to Unconditional Love

Reiki, the Art of Surrendering to Unconditional Love | Soul-Driven Life

I’m now a Reiki Master.

I passed my Reiki 3A certification a few weeks ago.

Prior to the class, my wonderful teacher Ann asked us to reflect on our journey with Reiki, where it had led us, how our relationship with this magnificent energy had evolved as well as the milestones we could identify…

It was so delightful to look back in time and observe how Reiki had transformed my life for the better. Continue Reading

Should you share your intuitive visions?


I know you are extremely gifted. 
I know you have lots of visions, messages coming from all over the place, up & down, here and there.
I know you sometimes don’t know what to do with them. 
I know it’s overwhelming.
I know you’re just trying to help…

But PLEASE… Continue Reading

Depression and why you should ask for help.

Depression | Soul-Driven Life
I struggled with cycles of depression from 2013 to 2015.
For those who didn’t live with me, this came unnoticed as I’m really good at keeping my smile on, even when I’m crumbling down inside.
I was constantly exhausted, feeling useless, feeling like a burden for everybody around.
I didn’t know what to do with my life.
I was feeling oppressed.
Had trouble breathing.
Had severe anxiety.

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